How safe and effective are online teeth whitening kits?

Tips on what to look for before you choose a solution

When you’re looking for a whiter and brighter smile – perhaps for an upcoming social event or even just to look great on that office Zoom call – you might be thinking about using teeth whitening.

But with so many different whitening systems available – including products offered online – how do you choose the right teeth whitening solution for your smile?

We asked our principal dentist Dr Andrew Teakle for a few tips on what you should look for before deciding on a teeth whitening system.

Think about whether a whitening kit really is safe

We don’t want to perform a “character assassination” on all whitening kits available online. And yet… by its nature, teeth whitening involves putting chemicals in your mouth, which then move into your body. That’s why it’s a very good idea to be absolutely sure of the quality of any kits you choose to use.

See which Invisalign package is right for you

If you’re buying a cheap kit from overseas, can you really be sure that it is entirely safe to use, and meets Australian Standards? How effective will it be in giving you the whiter smile you’re looking for?

Lastly of course, there’s often a risk involved in purchasing anything online. You could be better off buying over-the-counter from a trusted source such as your dentist.

What happens when tooth whitening kits are sent by mail?

There’s no doubt that some kits available online are quite good quality. Just like the teeth whitening available from your chemist, they can be safe and work quite effectively. Yet there’s still a potential catch.

In order to work effectively, whitening kits use very reactive materials. To do their job they need to penetrate the tooth’s surface, react with its molecules, and let light interact with them differently (this is what gives your smile its brighter appearance).

These chemicals are extremely volatile, which means they react readily at normal room temperatures. When they’re stored at a dentist, whitening kits will be kept refrigerated so that they lose none of their efficacy.

By contrast, a kit you buy online may spend days or even weeks travelling through the post. That means they may well lose their potency and simply won’t work as well once they arrive at your home. Another factor to think about before you click that mouse button!

A better alternative to online teeth whitening kits

Instead of relying on a solution you find online, could you be better off simply buying a teeth whitening kit from your dentist?

As a dental professional, you can rest assured that your dentist will provide only kits that have been proven to be absolutely safe for you to use. They will also give you some pointers on how to use the kits, and advise you on how often you should re-whiten your teeth for best results.

Download your Invisalign info pack

Whitening kits from a dentist will be kept refrigerated from when they’re manufactured right up until you receive them. You’ll know that they will give you the results you’re looking for.

You can choose to have your teeth whitened in the dentist’s chair; to whiten your teeth at home yourself; or even a system that uses pre-filled disposable trays for convenience. Whichever way you go, you’ll know you’ve chosen a safe and effective whitening solution.

For more information about your tooth whitening options, simply make an appointment to visit Wickham Terrace Dental or chat to our friendly team on (07) 3831 3031.

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